Dipping a toe into all forms of media, Kelsey Christine McConnell received her bachelor’s degree in Film and Television Production from San Diego State University and her MFA in Musical Theatre Writing from NYU. She got her start in the online editorial world by reviewing and analyzing the social impact of comic books. While an avid reader and writer in her downtime, she’s also a big movie buff and proud dog mom. She gets all of her best ideas from her sleep paralysis demon. Find her debut short story "A Greed of Flesh" in the erotic horror anthology Les Petites Morts from Ghost Orchid Press.
In the mood for a little lycanthropy? These steamy stories will have you howling at the moon.
Your 101 course on campus swoons and dorm room trysts.
The end of the world isn’t so bad when you have company.
These books are like a slapshot to the heart.
Our favorite fairy tales have all grown up...
The passion is kicking into gear.
You really Devi’d this one up.
Discover love stories that transcend time.
This earth sign likes to keep their feet on the ground, but will always work hard to see things through.
Three’s a crowd — but with these delicious reads, you don't need to pick just one.
This water sign has a soft, creative heart that is slow to let people too close.
Get swept up in a romance that takes you back in time…and makes you weak in the knees.
This air sign has a love for endless exploration and deep connection.
This earth sign has an uncompromising will and a loyal heart.
This fire sign has an impulsive nature with a love of physicality.
From meet-cute to HEA, these love stories are the best that Netflix has to offer.
This water sign is a caretaker always on the lookout for a romantic escape from the troubles of life.
This air sign has a temperamental heart and a need for excitement.
This earth sign loves carefully crafted new beginnings and a sensible love.
This fire sign loves to shed their burdens and seek out great adventure.