Bust out the whisky and your Skye Boat dance routine! STARZ’s romantic time travel epic, Outlander, returns this Sunday with its third season.
It’s been over a year since we last saw our OTP, Jamie and Claire Fraser, scheme their way through Paris, unsuccessfully thwart the Jacobite Rebellion, and separate for two decades to save their unborn child. The new season will presumably pick up where we left off, showing Jamie’s experience post-Culloden and Claire’s difficult adjustment to 20th century living. Needless to say, we’ll be pouring ourselves a dram or two (maybe five).
To ease the long Droughtlander wait, we’ve been re-reading Voyager, the third book in Diana Gabaldon’s bestselling series and the basis for the upcoming season. While we’ll all lose our collective minds when Claire stumbles across a certain Edinburgh printshop (*screams*), there are also plenty of other goodies to look forward to. Check out our other most-anticipated moments below—but step carefully, aye? There are major spoilers for those who have not read the books!
Claire Smashing the Patriarchy in the 20th Century
Even though she mourns the loss of Jamie, Claire never stops putting the sass in Sassenach. She's back in full force during the 20th century, bucking against the sexism of the 40s, 50s, and 60s. Far from the compliant housewife Frank (and society) wants her to be, Claire gets her medical degree and becomes the first female surgeon at her Boston hospital. For every feminist clap back, you have our permission to take a slug of whisky.
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Familiar Faces
Many supporting characters will reappear in season three, albeit slightly different than how we left them. Fergus is all grown up and sporting a hook-hand. Lord John Grey—whom we met as a teenage Redcoat—becomes Jamie’s new BFF. Meanwhile, Brianna and Roger’s flirtations get much more serious. Topping it all off is the return of Geillis Duncan, who is somehow crazier than she’s ever been. It’s always good to have the gang back together again.
Mrs. Fraser #1 vs. Mrs. Fraser #2
Voyager sees a heartbroken Jamie marry Laoghaire Mackenzie—the scorned love interest from previous seasons—before Claire returns to the 1700s. In the midst of bumping uglies with Jamie, Claire finally discovers that her former enemy is also Mrs. Fraser. The ensuing showdown is worthy of its own reality show: punches are thrown, kicks are dropped—and yes, a gun is fired. Keeping Up with the Frasers, anyone?
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The Wacky Beach Wedding
Outlander is often one drama after another, so Fergus’ Caribbean wedding is a welcome comedic relief. The highlight is Father Fogden, a scatterbrained priest who has a pet coconut, an addiction to sangria, and generally no idea who he’s marrying to whom. After several clumsy mix-ups and a hilarious tangent about the importance of certain appendages, our favorite French pickpocket becomes an honest man.
Turtle Soup
Before they made the show, some members of Outlander’s production team were already longtime fans—so they know what Easter eggs book readers want. In a series full of memorable sex scenes, “turtle soup” tops the list of must-include, fan favorites. Luckily, Jamie and Claire’s fevered ship cabin romp has made the cut: episode 11 is titled “Turtle Soup.” If you just fist-pumped, we don’t blame you.
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The Impetuous Pirate
This season will introduce viewers to a lot of new characters, but Joe Abernathy’s entrance takes the cake for Most Adorable. While in the hospital break room, Claire picks up a badly written romance novel called The Impetuous Pirate. Joe Abernathy, an unfamiliar coworker, sits down nearby. The pair’s close friendship begins once they bond over Pirate’s most cringe-worthy lines. After laughing about the book, Joe gives Claire the nickname “Lady Jane” and remains an essential person in her life from there on out.

A Glimpse of Jamie as a Father
Jamie’s life without Claire is no walk on the wily, windy moors. After years of imprisonment—and witnessing the deaths of his culture and family—Jamie’s connection to Lord John Grey earns him a get out of jail card. Rather than face indentured servitude in America like his fellow clansmen, Jamie works as a stableman for an English estate. There, he meets Geneva Dunsany, and in a sequence of unfortunate events, Geneva dies giving birth to their son, Willie. Though the boy never learns the truth of his parentage, father and son do strike up a brief relationship that has bittersweet parallels to Faith and Brianna.
The Plague Ship
Wherever Claire Fraser goes, insanity follows. Such is the case with her adventure on the Porpoise, a ship suffering from a typhoid outbreak. Protected by modern-day vaccinations, Claire agrees to treat the sick crewmates—only to be kidnapped as a way of prolonging her medical services. And in the nature of all Sassenach escapades, it’s an outrageous ride: she unknowingly reunites with Lord John Grey, dishes out her signature sass, befriends a Swedish goat lady, and jumps overboard inside a wooden barrel. You do you, girl, you do you.

Domestic Drama in the Randall Household
As sad as Jamie and Claire’s separation is, Claire and Frank’s story carries its own sort of tragedy. Who knows if the show will omit his racism and various affairs, but there’s no doubt they’ll include Frank and Claire’s final fight. It’s a devastating scene in the books, as they acknowledge the failure of their marriage just hours before Frank’s death. Caitriona Balfe (Claire) and Tobias Menzies (Frank) nailed the couple’s emotionally fraught relationship last season, so we’re sure they’ll tear us to pieces again.
It's Scotland, it's the Indies, it's—America?
Washed ashore by a hurricane, a very haggard Jamie and Claire discover that they’re definitely not in Scotland anymore. Their surprise destination? The American colony of Georgia. The end of this season marks a major turning point in the Outlander saga, as the Frasers officially leave the Highlands and make a home for themselves in the New World.
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Featured still from "Outlander" via STARZ