Lareign Ward

On Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Soulmates are a Dangerous Proposition

We're celebrating the series finale with a look at how the show challenged expectations about happily ever after—all in a fun, hilarious way. 

The Best (and Worst) Romantic Comedy Boyfriends to Bring Home for the Holidays

After the meet cute, it's time to meet the parents. But which love interests from popular romantic comedies could you actually bring home to your family?

The Best Netflix and Chill Movies to Stream Tonight

The best movies to watch—or 'watch'—on Netflix right now.

The Do's and Don'ts of Public Proposals

Planning a big gesture to pop the question? Here are some do's and don'ts for when you want to hear "I do."

Ain’t No Lie: How NSYNC Fanfiction Let Me Trust My Desires

In all of creation, all things great and small, they are the band that surpasses them all.

The Dangers of the Savior Complex in Relationships

Being a knight in shining armor doesn't always lead to a happily ever after.

Celebrity Couples: Why Do We Care So Much?

Sometimes, the breakup of a particularly charming celebrity couple can make us regular humans lose hope in love, too.